Sobre la revista

Enfoque y alcance

JCCI is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work journal in the field of cultural and creative industries. CCIBR welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, technical notes from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. The main objective of JCCI is to facilitate scholarly works and discussions related to academic research and practical insights from the field of cultural and creative industries (CCI).

The journal aims to reach both professional and academic audience and to bring together interdisciplinary and multinational perspectives.

CCI is an emerging field of study which has its roots on human knowledge, culture, and creativity. The journal encourages original manuscripts with topics relevant to CCI. Some of the specific topics that this journal addresses within the field of cultural and creative industries are behaviour of arts/cultural producers/consumers, economics of cultural management, methodologies aimed at arts/culture/heritage, digital transformation, strategic management, consumer and audience research, local/regional development and planning, advertising, marketing and promotion, policy-related contributions, philosophical approaches to arts/culture/heritage, tourism/leisure and arts/culture interactions and sustainable development and social issues.

Proceso de evaluación por pares

All manuscripts will undergo the following review procedures.

  • Initial screening: Each manuscript will be evaluated by Editor-in-Chief for topic and content relevancy to JCCI.
  • Peer review: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening will be assigned to a minimum of two external reviewers.
  • Recommendation: Based on the referees' comments, Editor-in-Chief will make a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript. For manuscripts accepted with and without revisions, revision processes are subject to authors’ and reviewers’ convenience but must not exceed 3 months.
  • Journal publication: Final formatting and graphic editing for journal publication.


Double-blind review: The journal employs the double-blind peer review process. Both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process.

Frecuencia de publicación

JCCI is first published annually, as is started as a new publication right now. The Journal is published in online version.

Política de acceso abierto

Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al publico, lo cual fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global.

Historial de la revista

This journal arises from the initiative of the Alejandro Roemmers’ Iberoamerican Chair of Cultural and Creative Industries of the Miguel Hernández University (Spain).